Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Carpentry done

I'll be ordering the roofing iron tomorrow. Woo hoo! Still a long way from the end but the building inspector came and passed the frame work so I have only the final inspection left and all that really entails is making sure the tank is conected to the gutter. Easy!

These photos were taken a week or so ago before the weather got bad again. The weather isn't set to improve but I might aswell have the iron waiting for the next good day.

The stuff on the front is bracing ply, it holds the frame rigid and acts like the diagonal steel bracing you can see on the right hand side of the image above. The intermediate board and rafters are called hyjoists. They're a manufactured timber beam made from ply. Very strong, very light and very straight! I went over size with them so I could fit R6 insulation in the ceiling.


Marcelo Baez said...

Exciting man!

Bobby.N said...

If you were looking for a reason NOT to be envious of us here in Melbourne, Tom - it's your studio man!

I love it.

- B.

Tom Bonin said...

It's true, it's going to be pretty sweet once completed. You guys are all going to have to make a pilgrimage and check it out.